

Henshin Cyborg: Loose, boxed, carded, parts, pieces, I want it. I'm particularly looking for the following:
12" Cyborg Outfits: Mach Baron, Jumborg A, Jumborg 9, Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider DX, you get the idea

12" King Waldar Outifts: Satan King, Plant Monster

8" Boy Cyborg Outfits: Space X1 and 3; Skyrider-X

Cyborg Jaguar costumes: Lion, Kondor Lioness

12" King Waldar loose or boxed (blue or yellow)

Cyborg Jaguar (silver or gold body)

Invader UFO7 and Flying Cockpit Chair

Invader attachments

Waldar hand attachments

Cyborg hand/foot attachments

Android Arm/Leg/Chest & Head boxed sets

Jaguar attachments

Cyborg Rider attachments

I also have a selection of parts and a few figures and costumes for trade. Contact me with wants and/or with your parts for trade list. E-mail me at yellowclaw@comcast.net