
The Fantanauti are essentially fantasy Micronauts. They are based loosely on the Magno-powered concept. This is a small line, consisting of only two figures and two steeds, as detailed below. The Fantanauts are based on a series of figures from Takara. It is not known if these same figures appear in Takara's line as well, though we do know there is a cowboy figure and two other figures as well.

Venefic is the most interesting of the horse figures so far, as he isn't really a horse but a dragon with a horse torso, possibly even a large lizard. His human counterpart is a bald, bearded fantasy warrior named Wiscid. Venefic and Wiscid are the evil part of the good/evil diametric in the Fantanauti world.

The second horse is Uragan, a Unicorn, and historically a force for good. As can be seen on the box art (box art can be seen in the box art section of the site), Gig attempted a passable likeness of the Micronauti boxes for this related toy. Legal copy on the box indicates that these were licensed from Takara and made in Hong Kong. The copyright is 1985. Uragan's human compatriot is named Totila and he looks very similar to He-Man!

Apparently Gig's Micronauti and Nuovi Micronauti were popular enough for Gig to license a similar concept later on. It has been reported that the Fantanauti were quite popular as well.

While not of a science fictional nature like the Micronauts, the Fantanauti are very captivating in their own right, making these toys definite must-haves; not of the caliber of the Micronauts themselves, but on their own level.



