In alphabetical order, here are a group of sites that bisect or otherwise relate to Micronauts, Microman, Metal Man or one of the other we deal with here.

Body Banks, The - Dave Moloth's awesome undertaking of attempting to systematically categorize all Micronauts toys in every way, shape and form! Though not complete, he is off to a great start and has a wonderful site!

Cool Japanese Toys - Tom Franck's beautiful Japanese toy site. Right now the focus is on Jumbo Machinders and Popy diecasts.

FantAsia Toys - This is a commercial new and used toy store on the web, owned and operated by Felix Lu. FantAsia often makes trips to Japan and brings back some great goodies such as Henshin Cyborg, Microman, diecast, Nightmare Before Christmas, Medicom, Gatchaman and more. Check it out. You won't be sorry.

Garrett's Home Page - Garrett, way out there in Hawaii, has some interesting pictures and info on Henshin Cyborg. Check it out.

Giant Robot Magazine - Asian-American youth culture.

Mecha World - A site dedicated to Mecha-style Japanese diecasts and plastic toys.

Mego Museum - A beautiful site dedicated to the Mego series of toys. Focuses mostly on the 8" Super Heroes line.

Microman Forever - Paul Lorphanpaibul's site focuses on RomanDo's Microman 21 series of figures, as well as some great images from his personal collection. Paul is a great guy.

Microman Zone - Tom Vigneau's Microman dedicated site.

Micronaut Paintings - An archive of the original Micronauts aliens card and box art paintings by Ken Kelly.

Micronauts Home Page - Erik's definitive Micronauts site. This is the checklist site for the serious Micronauts collector. And don't forget the Buy/Sell/Trade section!

MicroNet - Willy Jone's site, mostly dedicated to the Micronauts comic book by Marvel, as well as his own comic. Willy also frequently updates his site with breaking news information.

MicroTalk - Home page for the MicroTalk mailing list, run by Bob Paluch.

Pre-Transformer Pages - A great site by Jeroen Zuiderwijk that ties together the New Microman line from the early 80's (as well as Takara's Diaclone line) and the subsequent Transformers that many of them became. Kind of the missing link in the Microman legacy.

Rescue Base Seattle - Bryan Wilkinson's great Microman site. There is a plethora of interesting stuff on here. Bryan is also the person responsible for the MicroVerse Web ring.

Shogun Warriors - John Eaton's definitive Shogun Warriors site. Covers everything from the Jumbo Machinders down to the 3" collector's series. If you're interested in Shoguns, start here.

Space Station - Jeff Mikkelson's ultra-cool page, with pictures of a DIY Space Station from an old issue of Woman's Day magazine that would be perfect for Micronauts.

Tin Robot & Space Toys - A nice site dedicated to the much older and more expensive robots. Also has a nice For Sale/Trade/Wanted section.

Toy Station - The coolest Microman site around.

Zee Toy Collector's Club - Zee is the company that made Metal Man.



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